کیوں جل گیا نہ تاب رخ یار دیکھ کر
جلتا ہوں اپنی طاقت دیدار دیکھ کر
مرزا غالب
In the 80s and 90s there was a buzzing Urdu scene, lead by Urdu Markaz headed by the renowned Iftikhar Arif. The poets Faiz and Faraz spent long periods of time here in England delighting their fans with their company and poetry.
There are still a large number of Urdu writers and poets settled here, who regularly hold poetic and literary events and print their story books and Deewans and hold launches here and abroad.
In the new millennium, as the new generation of adult audiences appeared on the literary and cultural scene, it became evident that the narrative had changed, as this generation had no tuition in Urdu, which they understood but could not speak fluently.